Ulcerative colitis – Tips for prevention and management
Ulcerative colitis causes swelling and inflammation in the colon and rectum. In this condition, an abnormal immune reaction triggers intestinal inflammation and ulcers on the large intestine’s inner lining, which may bleed and cause pus. The primary symptoms include recurring diarrhea, blood, mucus, or pus in the stool, stomach pain, and the urgency to pass stools more frequently. Here are some practical tips for preventing ulcerative colitis and managing it.
Tips for prevention
Although there is no definite way to prevent ulcerative colitis, as the exact causes are unknown, its intensity and frequency can be reduced by taking the following measures:
Adopt a healthy lifestyle
Making recommended changes to your meal plans and exercise regime can significantly reduce the occurrence of ulcerative colitis symptoms. Try to remain hydrated by drinking a sufficient amount of water. Avoid beverages such as caffeine, tea, alcohol, and carbonated drinks. You should also follow a suggested exercise routine. Mild exercises such as brisk walking, breathing exercises, etc., can help in keeping symptoms at bay.
Have more probiotics
Good gut microbe flora is essential for a healthy colon and proper digestion. The friendly bacteria can easily be replenished or maintained by probiotic foods such as yogurt, miso soup, and tempeh. Good bacteria help prevent bad bacteria from sticking to the lining of the large intestine, thereby improving the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.
Find ways to de-stress
There is no well-established link between ulcerative colitis and stress; however, many theories support the claim that symptoms of the condition could get worse or triggered due to stress. The body goes into fight or flight mode when it encounters any type of stress, releasing the stress hormone that might induce inflammatory signals. Stress might contribute to flare-ups because this condition is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. Thus, your stress might be triggering your discomfort. Adopt approaches such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, and acceptance therapy to reduce stress.
Avoid certain foods
Having a lot of caffeine and carbonated drinks can lead to hyperacidity, ulcerative colitis flare-ups, and pain. Thus, avoid these under any circumstances. High-fiber raw foods can make you have more frequent bowel movements and can be hard on your sensitive colon. Always eat steamed or boiled vegetables. Stay away from nuts, seeds, corn, and popcorn as they are rich in fiber.
Have smaller meals
Even though symptoms like abdominal pain and diarrhea will dissuade you from eating, your body needs to replenish its nutrients. Hence, instead of eating three large meals daily, having smaller meals at frequent intervals might be beneficial. Also, as diarrhea can dehydrate, ensure that you drink plenty of water.
While these preventive tips can improve your life, what to do in case of a flare? How do you manage UC?
Tips for management
The management is usually focused on treatment options and, if required, surgery. The type of options your doctor prescribes to you will depend upon the severity of your symptoms.
Get anti-inflammatory treatments
These are the first line of treatment for ulcerative colitis and are usually effective for most patients. It involves the use of amino-salicylates and corticosteroids based on your body’s response.
Seek remedies for diarrhea
These are prescribed to manage severe diarrhea. However, they must be taken on the recommendation and under the supervision of your doctor. This is because they can increase your risk of developing an enlarged colon.
Ask for prescribed painkillers
If you are troubled with severe cramping and related pain, your doctor might prescribe these to relieve the cramps. Cramping is often associated with belly pain, which is why painkillers are usually recommended. However, note that there can develop into dependence on such an option.
Start having iron supplements
Chronic bleeding due to ulcerative colitis may make you anemic. Iron supplements are mainly prescribed to manage anemia, minimize symptoms, improve quality of life, and prevent flare-ups. These also help build immunity to ulcerative colitis and tolerance against the symptoms.
Consider surgery if needed
Surgery may be an option if your flare-ups are not responding to other treatment options and your quality of life is significantly affected. Surgery involves the permanent removal of the colon, i.e., a colectomy. In this case, the small intestine is used to eliminate waste products. This can be done by an ileostomy or by an ileoanal pouch. In an ileostomy, the small intestine is diverted out of a hole made in the tummy, and a special bag is placed. However, in an ileoanal pouch, the small intestine is connected to the anus, which allows you to pass stool normally. It is important to discuss and understand the risks and benefits of the surgery and the type of procedure being opted for.
Ulcerative colitis is a condition that makes managing the symptoms and living a normal life quite frustrating sometimes, especially during flare-ups. This condition needs to be promptly treated as soon as a sign is noticed—the earlier, the better. So, the vital steps to take are staying in touch with your health care provider and seeking their advice. The symptoms will be unaffected by treatment if this condition is left unchecked for long.