8 human foods that are safe for dogs
Have you wondered which human food is safe for your pet dog? While your beloved pooch may whine for morsels off your plate, a canine digestive system cannot handle most human foods, and you might cause harm in an attempt to pamper them. However, that doesn’t mean you have to stick to giving dogs dry food from bags. Some human foods are actually healthy for dogs; read to know more about the same: 8 human foods that dogs love and can have Fresh carrots Did you know that most dogs love eating carrots? Carrots help enhance their dental health as chewing on them can help to remove plaque from your dog’s teeth. Also, the root vegetables are a powerhouse of vitamin A, fiber, and beta carotene. Baby carrots are also easily digested by canine tummies and benefit their skin, coat, and immune system. Pumpkin Pumpkin is a seasonal treat for dogs and it should be given in tiny amounts. Due to its moisture and fiber content, the vegetable helps treat and prevent diarrhea and constipation. It also contains vitamins A, C, and E and iron and potassium, which can be good for your pet’s coat and eyes. You can feed fresh or plain canned pumpkin to your dog. Sliced apples Apples contain fiber and vitamin A and C, which help regulate digestion. Additionally, apple slices are helpful in cleaning food residue off your pet’s teeth, which helps freshen their breath. Ensure that you remove the seeds and avoid feeding your pet rotting apples as this may cause health concerns. Peanut butter (Unsalted) Opt for peanut butter without any sweetener or added sugars and feed it to your pet in moderation. The treat consists of various nutrients such as vitamins B and E, niacin, proteins, and healthy fats. Ensure that it does not have Xylitol, a sweetener that is very toxic for dogs, or chocolate.
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