Prostate Cancer – Early Signs and Foods to Eat and Avoid
Prostate cancer has become a fairly common health condition. Estimates suggest that there will be more than 280,000 new cases of prostate cancer in 2023. In this condition, the cells in the prostate begin growing aggressively. These malignant cells also live longer than other cells, causing a blockage in the prostate area. Like most other types of malignancies, prostate cancer is treatable up to a certain stage, after which it turns metastatic.
Early signs of prostate cancer
Healthcare professionals can detect this health condition in its initial stages by checking for a few typical symptoms. Some such symptoms of prostate cancer are:
Discomfort while sitting
The prostate lies just in front of a person’s rectum and below the bladder. So, when a large number of cells start growing in this area causing it to enlarge beyond control, an individual may feel intense pain or discomfort while sitting down, bending, or rising from a seated position. Furthermore, as the tumor spreads and metastasizes, it puts additional pressure on the surrounding cells, tissues, and organs. This makes it progressively difficult to sit in one position for longer.
Loss of bowel control
People with prostate cancer find it hard to control their defecation. When the prostate grows unnaturally due to cancer, the contents of the rectum may empty out without the will or, in many cases, knowledge of the person living with prostate cancer. Loss of bowel control is one of the earliest indicators of prostate cancer. So, people experiencing this should get themselves screened for cancer immediately.
Unexplained muscle loss
Muscle loss is a symptom of several kinds of cancers and other illnesses. All cancers tend to affect the supply of blood and nutrients to various body areas. As these elements are essential for growth and development, the lack of supply causes an undernourishment of muscles and organs all around the body. Hence, it is common for people with this condition to suffer a dramatic loss of muscle weight without working out or engaging in a whole lot of physical activity.
Prostate cancer can disrupt the blood flow to critical areas like the brain and lungs. This means that oxygen, iron, and other elements needed to energize people do not reach the intended location. Due to this, patients with prostate cancer are frequently fatigued. Such individuals may find it difficult to perform tasks like playing soccer or climbing a flight of stairs.
Some of the other early symptoms include urinating difficulties, digestive problems, and frequent nausea symptoms.
Foods to manage prostate cancer
Prostate cancer can be managed in its initial stages. One of the ways to manage it is by eating nutritious foods such as:
Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant named lycopene. According to numerous studies, a high proportion of lycopene in a person’s daily meals has been found to reduce the chances of developing prostate cancer. This makes tomatoes an ideal food to eat on a daily basis. Lycopene, in particular, decreases cell damage and inhibits cancer cell growth. Its antioxidative properties are useful to fight inflammation.
Leafy green vegetables have several properties that make them useful anti-cancer foods. Broccoli contains many complex chemical compounds that inhibit the development of any kind of cancer. Cruciferous vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and kale inhibit the triggers that cause rapid and out-of-control cell growth in individuals. The main reason for this is the presence of phytochemicals in broccoli and other leafy greens. One such phytochemical is sulforaphane, which can selectively target and kill malignant cells while leaving the unaffected cells as they are.
Legumes and soybeans
Legumes, a food group, including a range of items such as lentils, peanuts, and beans, contain an active plant compound called phytoestrogens. These compounds tend to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. One such anti-cancer phytoestrogen is isoflavones. The antioxidative properties of this element are optimal to regulate hormones and prevent unnatural cell death and growth.
Berries of all kinds, especially strawberries, and blueberries, are loaded with elements that reverse oxidative stress in people. Oxidative stress occurs when several free radicals trigger toxic reactions and negatively affect metabolism in individuals. One of the after-effects is damaged DNA and cells, which can end up mutating and replicating abnormally. This results in conditions such as prostate cancer. Eating berries regularly can protect people from this health condition.
Cold water fish like sardines, mackerel, salmon, and trout are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the possibility of inflammation. Prostate inflammation is a major cause of cancer, so inhibiting it can result in a reduced likelihood of developing the health condition.
Foods that worsen prostate cancer
The foods listed below tend to make things worse for prostate cancer patients.
Foods with any kind of saturated fats can trigger undesirable cell responses that end up in cancer in people. French fries are deep-fried in such kinds of fats for maximum taste. As a result of that, these fries are among the foods that should be avoided.
Red meat
Red meats are also associated with prostate cancer in men. Foods like beef, pork, lamb, veal, and other processed red meats may contain a known carcinogen called heterocyclic amines (HCAs). Instead of red meats, people can eat lean poultry (skinless chicken, skinless turkey), fatty fish (sardines, tuna, mackerel), beans, legumes, or nuts.
Dairy products
Dairy products, including whole milk and full-fat variants of cheeses, butter, yogurt, ice cream, and cream cheese, increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. While one can have milk and other dairy products in moderation due to their health benefits, going above that limit can be detrimental to one’s health.