Helpful ways to manage ADHD in adults and kids
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder identified by inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. This mental disorder affects mostly children, and the condition can last through adulthood. The symptoms of this condition are exhibited differently in adults and kids. There is no definitive prevention and cure method for ADHD. However, early diagnosis and timely treatment plans can help manage the condition to a great extent. Some effective tips for managing adult ADHD are:
Exercise regularly
Regular physical exercise is critical for overall good health. It helps in soothing and calming the body and provides numerous benefits for the smooth functioning of various bodily processes such as digestion. It also allows the affected person to manage energy and aggression constructively and positively.
Get good sleep
Adults and kids need seven to eight hours of sound sleep every night. Lack of sleep can cause daytime fatigue, leading to restlessness, irritability, and inability to focus on activities. This can help maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle. To get good sleep, it is also essential to limit screen time before bed. ADHD patients with insomnia must consider consulting a healthcare professional for help.
Create a daily routine with scheduled tasks
Getting organized helps ADHD patients manage time and activities effectively, improving focus. A schedule helps manage and remove unnecessary tasks and gives a sense of achievement. Begin by writing down a schedule every night for the following day. Try to use a planner and color-code the tasks according to priority. Try to follow the planned routine and develop protocols to tackle the regular tasks with less effort. Try to complete the chores or tasks at the set time and days.
Improve time management skills
Patients with ADHD can find it challenging to stay organized and manage time effectively due to shortcomings of the symptoms. Use various tools or apps that are user-friendly and easy to use, such as paper diary, notepad, and any time management method. Consult an expert to help with various techniques and therapies if required.
Minimize distractions
Minimizing distractions may help the affected person focus for longer time intervals. Try to simplify the ambiance of the surroundings at home and declutter things to boost focus. Try to avoid unnecessary tasks, and it will help achieve the important ones.
Respect limits
Nothing feels more pressurizing than committing to defined tasks that have to be completed within a specific time. Failing to deliver as promised makes one feel stressed and anxious. Therefore, it is necessary to respect limits and complete tasks.
Practice mindfulness
Adults with ADHD may have difficulty in meditation, but practicing this activity every day can bring a positive change. Start with practicing meditation for a short duration and then gradually increase the time. Practicing meditation helps in reducing impulsivity and stress and boosts focus.
Parenting tips for ADHD in kids
Parents of children with ADHD should accept that their kids may have functionally different brain structures, but with various techniques, they can learn to manage their tasks and activities. The following parenting tips might be useful:
Physical and mental activity
Regular exercise and other physical activities help burn excess energy. It also increases the child’s focus and boosts the attention toward specific movements. Exercise may help in reducing impulsivity and improve concentration. Also, engaging kids in mental activities like puzzles can stimulate the brain.
Establish sleep patterns
Establish a calming and soothing bedtime pattern for the child and keep distractions away. Reduce screen time in the evenings and before bed.
Seek professional help
A child requires encouragement from parents, but professional help is also beneficial. Try to find a personal counselor or a therapist to work with the child. A therapist can help parents and the child to manage their stress equally. Local support groups are also helpful.
Be flexible and nurturing
Encourage your kids to do their tasks and reward them after their completion. Know your kids’ limitations and be aware of their strengths. Do not burden them with multiple activities throughout the day. Space out the tasks accordingly and be patient with them while they try to accomplish the tsaks.
Encourage social interaction
Help the child be social and make them develop at least one close friendship. Parents should arrange and host play dates for younger children and involve the child in playful activities with children their age. Make sure there’s an easy flow of communication with the kid’s doctors, therapists, and teachers so that they get the necessary attention.
Simplify the child’s life
Organizing daily tasks will be highly helpful in managing ADHD in kids. Try to establish healthy personal habits to reduce the condition’s symptoms. Also, try to create a special and quiet place for the child to read or do homework. Keep the home clean and remove all cluttered things to provide the child with a cozy environment. These tips will help the child to focus on the task given to them.
Besides the listed tips, maintaining a healthy meal routine is also suggested, as poor nutrition may worsen symptoms of this mental health disorder. Getting professional help is also recommended as some kids may have extreme symptoms.