Everything to Know About Migraine Headaches
A migraine is characterized by a headache involving persistent throbbing pain, typically on one side of the head. The headache can trigger nausea, vomiting, neck stiffness, and constipation. The underlying causes of migraine may include hormonal changes, stress, genetics, and weather changes. While following a treatment course prescribed by a doctor who treats chronic migraine can help with a speedy recovery, certain lifestyle changes and food management can also facilitate healing.
Foods that may trigger or aggravate migraine
Aged cheese
Aged cheese types like brie, blue cheese, cheddar cheese, and Swiss cheese contain tyramine, which can result in rebound dilation of cranial vessels, the leading cause of migraine attacks. Thus, it helps individuals prone to migraines to avoid such aged foods.
Foods with monosodium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is an additive in several ready-to-eat foods and restaurant preparations. This element can trigger over-stimulation of neurons and contribute to migraine headaches, particularly among individuals already susceptible to such attacks. It is best to limit or avoid having meals at restaurants; moreover, one must browse the list of ingredients carefully in ready-to-eat products and avoid the ones containing MSG.
Pickled herring
Although a rich source of omega-3, selenium, and vitamin B12, pickled herring contains high levels of tyramine, which can exacerbate migraines. However, studies have shown that a meal plan rich in fatty fish can help control migraine symptoms. Hence, one may incorporate fatty fish varieties like salmon, mackerel, and even herring in other non-pickled forms in daily meals while healing from migraines. Shellfish like shrimp can also be included.
Excessive caffeine
Although caffeine has vasoconstrictive properties that can help heal headaches, excessive caffeine intake is linked to migraines. The key is to limit caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee, not exceeding two cups a day, and avoid caffeine after sunset.
Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners, added to frozen desserts, baked items, instant breakfast cereals, etc., contain high levels of aspartame, which can trigger migraine headaches. In addition, one should limit or avoid foods containing artificial sweeteners, replacing them with natural sugar sources like fruits and fresh fruit juices.
Although fermented foods like sauerkraut are packed with probiotics that aid gut health, they also contain high concentrations of tyramine, triggering or worsening migraine attacks. It is best to avoid sauerkraut and other fermented items like miso, kombucha, and sourdough. However, foods like yogurt, buttermilk, and sour cream are relatively low in tyramine levels and can serve as good alternatives to other fermented foods.
Processed meats
Processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, and sausage contain nitrates and nitrites, chemical compounds that can aggravate migraine symptoms. In addition, it helps to replace processed meats with lean meat sources like chicken and turkey breast, and venison.
Smells that can trigger migraine
- Perfume
No matter how pleasant the fragrance, certain perfumes, and colognes can cause blood-vessel dilation and trigger migraine among individuals already prone to migraine attacks. - Paint thinner
Studies have demonstrated that paint-thinner fumes adversely affect overall health and can lead to migraines, nausea, dizziness, and respiratory problems. - Cleaning products
Cleaning products often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can cause headaches and subsequently lead to migraine attacks. - Car exhaust
Car exhaust, which emits carbon monoxide, can trigger headaches, migraine attacks, and nausea within minutes of exposure to the fumes.
Cities that are migraine hotspots
- St. Louis, Missouri
A drop in barometric pressure due to weather changes can cause brain-chemical imbalance, leading to migraine headaches. St Louis is characterized by frequent changes in weather conditions, making it unfavorable for individuals prone to migraine attacks. - New Orleans, Louisiana
High humidity levels are associated with migraines, particularly during summers. New Orleans, with an average humidity of 86%, has the highest relative humidity among other states in the country. Thus, living in New Orleans can be difficult for those vulnerable to migraines. - Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix in Arizona has extremely high temperatures, often surpassing 100 degrees during summers. High temperatures can increase the frequency of migraines among individuals grappling with migraine attacks. - Elizabeth, New Jersey
The Department of Transportation has classified Elizabeth as the noisiest city nationwide, owing to its proximity to Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal. Noise pollution can lead to problems in the neurovascular system, causing headaches and migraines. - Fairbanks, Alaska
Fairbanks experience extremely low temperatures, sometimes dropping to -66 degrees Fahrenheit. Decreasing temperatures have been associated with headaches, triggering chemical and electrical reactions in the brain.
Home remedies to heal from migraine
Apply peppermint oil
Some studies suggest that topical application of peppermint oil can help relieve headaches and migraines. Menthol constitutes about 44% of peppermint oil, which can help reduce the intensity of migraines.
Incorporate ginger into foods
Ginger has been traditionally recommended as an effective home remedy for headaches and nausea. Individuals with migraines may include chopped or julienned ginger in their stir-fries, gravies, etc., or have ginger tea regularly to relieve migraines.
Practice breathing exercises
Breathing exercises like inhaling and exhaling to the count of five and holding one’s breath briefly between inhalation and exhalation can facilitate relaxation and reduce stress levels, helping manage migraine symptoms better.
Apply lavender oil
Lavender oil may be inhaled directly or diluted with a carrier oil for application on the temples for relief from migraine headaches. Multiple studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of lavender oil in reducing migraines.
Practice yoga and meditation
Yoga poses like child’s pose, forward fold, and supine twist can help effectively manage migraine symptoms and reduce stress levels.
Have magnesium-rich foods
Studies have determined the effectiveness of magnesium in reducing migraine frequency. Persons grappling with migraine headaches must have magnesium-rich foods, such as whole grains, leafy greens, avocados, and black beans.
Stay hydrated
Sufficient hydration can help prevent migraine attacks. Therefore, it is advisable for men and women to have 3.7 and 2.7 liters of water a day, respectively, to avoid dehydration.
Stay physically active
Although it is not recommended to exercise during a migraine attack, exercising at other times can help with stress reduction and reduce migraine frequency. Walking, jogging, stretching, swimming, and aerobics can help you stay physically active.