Top 5 foods for healthy lungs
Keeping your lungs strong and healthy can help you ward off serious respiratory issues and diseases. However, environmental pollution, inflammatory foods, smoke, and existing conditions can take a toll on these organs by affecting the airways, tissues, or vessels in the lungs. Simple lifestyle modifications, nutrient-rich meals, and regular exercise have been associated with better lung function and repairing any sort of lung damage. So, here are a few foods that can improve lung health: Tomatoes Carotenoids like lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin found in tomatoes can improve lung health. These components exhibit powerful antioxidant properties that help them fight free radicals that damage the cells of the lungs. Further, tomato, and its products, can help reduce inflammation in the lungs caused by diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Rich in potassium and vitamins E and B, tomatoes can also help reduce the risk of lung cancer and help prevent emphysema, a condition that damages the air sacs in the lungs. Studies indicate lycopene in this fruit can slow down the decline of lung function that comes with age, so this should be added to your meal plan. Apples Apples, when consumed regularly, can improve respiratory health as they can help purify or cleanse the lungs. This fruit is rich in plant chemicals known as flavonoids which exhibit antioxidant properties. Apples lower the risk of diabetes and heart diseases while strengthening the capacity of the air sacs in the lungs. The antioxidants in apples offer countless health benefits, including mitigating the effects of asthma. Enriched with vitamin C, apples can also boost your immunity, improve the condition of the airways, and help you stay energized. Another antioxidant called quercetin in apples has also been associated with improving lung function. Pumpkin Adding pumpkins to your food plan is a simple yet effective way to improve lung health.
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