Breathing Mistakes to Avoid for Healthy Lungs
Breathing comes naturally to everyone, of course, but did you know that there is a right and wrong way of breathing? Practicing specific breathing techniques can help with respiratory issues and lung health, and some small, quick tips that you can be mindful of can help decrease your risk of lung illnesses. Here are some of the breathing mistakes to avoid and also some tips on how to breathe better.
Breathing through the mouth
This is a common mistake most of us make while breathing; breathing through the mouth instead of the nostrils. When you indulge in strenuous physical activity or are going through issues like sinus congestion or cold, then breathing through the nose becomes difficult, so mouth breathing comes naturally. This is okay as long as it is not a frequent pattern. According to research submitted in the journal Nursing in General Practice, around 30 to 50 percent of adults breathe through their mouth. Some of the experts talk about the risks of this type of breathing, which can lead to dry mouth and also result in a higher chance of life-threatening asthma. Nostrils have hair and are known to filter, warm, and also humidify the air that is breathed in. This can also help in filtering out toxins or other allergens, which may trigger an allergy reaction like sneezing or coughing.
Poor exhaling technique
Right inhalation and exhalation are both important aspects of breathing and while a lot of people note the inhalation techniques, breathing out the right way is not given much importance. According to doctors, breathing out the air completely is an important part of accurate breathing techniques. During exercises like running or walking or cycling, the shoulder and neck muscles can get tense, which limits the efficiency of breathing. Learning to relax these muscles by breathing in and out completely is important during exercises.
Maintaining a bad posture
Poor posture is another mistake that should be avoided. Compression of the chest cavity can cause breathing issues because it limits the range of motion of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Because of this limited range, you may end up taking short breaths more frequently than long and relaxing breaths. This does not allow for you to breathe in and fill your lungs completely, leading to inefficient oxygen intake.
Belly breathing
Yes, you heard it right. This means when you suck in your belly while breathing. This breathing pattern again limits the diaphragm’s range of motion and does not allow for deep breathing. Relaxing your abdomen while breathing gives the diaphragm enough space to expand and contract without any barriers, which helps in your respiratory health.
Not taking precautions in polluted areas
While there is not much you can do to avoid pollution, there are ways to manage the exposure to it. It is essential always to wear a mask while traveling outside. This should be done especially if you are in a crowded city with many vehicles and are likely to be stuck in traffic. Most often than not, apart from vehicle pollution, the dust pollution caused due to construction is a major environmental hindrance. Breathing in this dusty air can cause several lung complications, which can be high risk. Avoid travel during peak hours whenever possible and always cover your face with a mask. You should also think about investing in an air purifier for your house and office to ensure you live in a clean and sustainable environment.
Other tips on improving breathing
Exercise regularly
This is important because the body needs to stay active so that the blood flow remains normal throughout the muscles. Also, exercise helps in maintaining the overall health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Breathing exercises
This goes without saying but practicing some mindful breathing exercises will be extremely beneficial for lung health. This can especially be explored during exercises like yoga, where the instructor can focus on breath work along with asanas or poses and end the routine with specific breathing asanas.
Quit unhealthy choices
Indulging in unhealthy lifestyle choices like processed foods and drinks should be avoided as they pose multiple health risks. Choosing a sustainable and healthy lifestyle will help curb most health risks.
Always speak to your doctor if you notice any difficulty in breathing and seek immediate help for any respiratory problems.