Best and Worst Foods for Managing EoE
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an allergic condition characterized by the accumulation of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, in the esophagus. Here, the esophagus becomes inflamed, causing symptoms like difficulty swallowing, chest pain, and regurgitation. Often, the underlying cause of EoE is associated with a food allergy or infections caused by external agents. Here is crucial information on EoE, food options that can help manage the condition, as well as possible food triggers:
Best foods
Besides being a natural antioxidant, ginger has antihistamine and antimicrobial properties, instrumental in treating allergies and healing congestion. It also helps expel excess mucus from the body. Moreover, shogaols and gingerols, the essential bioactive elements in ginger, are anti-inflammatory and can help treat throat-related conditions, including EoE and thyroid. Chopped or julienned ginger may be added to regular meals, including in stir-fries, gravies, wraps, and soups. Alternatively, ginger tea is one of the most common home remedies for healing the throat.
Pineapple is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that is effective in breaking down mucus and reducing inflammation in the throat. So, the fruit can help provide relief from the discomfort and pain associated with EoE. Its anti-inflammatory properties are proven to help regulate the symptoms of respiratory conditions and can soothe the nose and throat. Sliced pineapple may be added to fruit salads or blended into juices with a drizzle of honey and a pinch of pepper powder for best results.
Lean meats
High-fat foods like processed meats can worsen dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), aggravating health issues associated with EoE. It is best for those dealing with EoE to switch to lean meat sources, such as poultry, venison, and pork chops. Besides being excellent protein sources, lean meats are light on the stomach and easy on the esophagus.
Cardamom is often recommended for throat infections and to treat digestive problems like nausea. So, incorporating cardamom into foods can help control EoE symptoms like throat discomfort, acid reflux, and regurgitation. One may have warm water infused with cardamom powder or add some cardamom powder in warm milk to manage symptoms.
Fatty fish
Fatty fish varieties like salmon, herring, tuna, and mackerel are not only rich in omega-3 fatty acids but also packed with vitamin D, essential for relief from eosinophil buildup. Adding such fatty fish varieties to meals is a good idea when healing from EoE. However, some people with EoE may have allergic reactions to fish and can eliminate fish for a brief period and add it back to identify whether it is the trigger for the disease. In such cases, all forms of fish, including fatty fish, must be avoided.
Turmeric is one of the richest sources of curcumin, a compound with several antimicrobial properties. Further, it has an antihistamine effect on the body and can reduce inflammation, helping the body fight infections better. Studies have shown the positive effects of turmeric on the prevention of esophageal inflammation. It can also help the body fight symptoms of acid reflux, which is common among those with EoE. Research serves as official information on the benefits of turmeric as a complementary treatment for EoE and other health problems like severe asthma.
Chicken soup
A warm chicken soup or broth is highly effective in opening nasal passageways and relieving respiratory problems. It is also high in cysteine, an essential amino acid that helps loosen up secretions and expel accumulated mucus. Chicken soup seasoned with spices like garlic and pepper is great for fighting infections like EoE and relieving throat discomfort.
Reports by the World Health Organization suggest that honey acts as a demulcent, relieving irritation caused by mucus membranes in the mouth. Dark-colored honey contains antibacterial properties, which can help fight infections in the throat and chest, including EoE. Honey can be eaten as is in limited quantities or added to beverages like lemon tea and milk.
Trigger foods
Although soy milk is highly recommended for those with lactose intolerance, many people with EoE may be allergic to soy. So, one must eliminate all forms of soy, including soy milk, tofu, and soybean, for a certain period before adding the foods back to check for allergic reactions. Further, soy is often a latent ingredient in many ready-to-eat products, so it is important to check food labels carefully to avoid products containing soy.
Dairy may cause or aggravate the accumulation of eosinophils in some people. Some persons with EoE may have allergic reactions to all dairy products, while others may react only to specific ones. So, one must eliminate all forms of dairy first and add them back one by one to identify any possible triggers.
If EoE is triggered by an egg allergy, the body produces antibodies to fight against egg proteins, triggering an allergic reaction. Elimination of eggs in all forms, including confectioneries containing eggs, can help identify whether EoE is caused by an egg allergy.
Fish or shellfish
People with EoE may be allergic to fish or shellfish, or both. So, one should avoid both these seafood sources and reintroduce them individually to understand if the items are triggering the condition. Products like Worcestershire sauce, which typically contain such ingredients, should also be completely avoided during this time.
One must avoid all forms of tree nuts, including nut oils and butters, while testing for nut allergies. Packaged foods like baked items, chocolates, cookies, and other such foods, which contain nuts or traces of nuts, should also be eliminated.
Gluten intolerance may also trigger the onset of EoE. Gluten is a protein found in wheat and its products, including cakes, bread, and other confectioneries, and is also a latent part of oats, barley, and ice creams. While testing for gluten intolerance, all such products containing gluten must be avoided.
Apart from an elimination food plan, treating eosinophilic esophagitis requires prescription options that target inflammation. Doctors may focus on the underlying cause and the symptoms to manage EoE, as the condition is associated with thyroid issues and an increased risk of asthma, among other complications.