9 Foods That Promote Blood Circulation
Any nutrient deficiency can trigger health problems that affect vital respiratory, cardiovascular, and metabolic functions. Among these functions is blood circulation, which supplies fresh oxygen to the entire body. The system must maintain proper blood pressure to support this function. As all organs rely on a delicate balance of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals sourced from foods, here are nine food items that help maintain blood count and optimal blood pressure.
9 foods that promote blood count and help with better blood circulation
Beetroot is a key superfood that helps increase red blood cell count and boost circulation. Beets contain nitric oxide, one of the essential molecules that help maintain blood vessel structure. It is produced by the body naturally, but sometimes a deficiency requires supplementation via foods and beverages. Beetroots or beetroot juice boosts nitric oxide to promote and allow the muscles to absorb the oxygenated blood more quickly and efficiently. It also helps lower blood pressure and reduces arterial disease risk. In addition, nutritionists suggest at least two fresh cups of beetroot juice be consumed twice a day to supplement any deficiency.
Assorted nuts and seeds
Almonds are a great source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E. Walnuts are a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid and healthy fats. Studies show that omega-3 healthy fats help improve blood circulation by boosting antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds help improve the function of endothelial cells that make up the blood vessels and promote healthy function. Additionally, one can also add sunflower seeds to a cup of assorted nuts. Sunflower seeds boast healthy fibers, phytochemicals, vitamins, and nutrients that help lower blood pressure and improve flow throughout the body.
Leafy greens
Spinach is another rich source of nitrates that helps blood vessels expand and flow freely to promote better circulation. Spinach also contains folic acid, a compound that promotes the dilation of blood vessels to lower blood pressure. Nutritionists also suggest including Brussels sprouts. These veggies boast antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that dilate the blood vessels, lowers pressure, and promote healthy circulation. Kale is another superfood green veggie that naturally helps replenish blood cells, thus boosting production. Kale also promotes better circulation by keeping the blood vessels dilated. The green superfood is naturally rich in folates that help lower blood pressure.
Several studies are conclusive of the fact that different types of spices, peppers, and chilies can also help regulate blood circulation. One of the popular choices here is cayenne pepper, often used to add some heat to foods and beverages. Capsaicin is the main compound found in cayenne pepper that helps promote vasodilation of blood vessels to improve blood flow. Chili peppers (the green ones) also mimic a similar effect on blood vessels to help reduce pressure and promote better circulation. Turmeric is another potent spice used in daily cooking for many recipes. Turmeric boasts an active ingredient called curcumin, which is known to promote several anti-inflammatory benefits. Curcumin additionally prevents the arteries from clogging up and thus improves the blood flow.
Citrus-rich fruits
Cirtus-rich fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are naturally rich sources of vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C helps the body better absorb the iron that is absolutely crucial for blood cells and circulation. Antioxidants help prevent oxidative damage done to healthy red blood cells. In addition, plant compounds called flavonoids counter inflammation and lower the risk of blood clots, allowing the blood to flow with ease.
Iron-rich foods
The body cannot effectively produce red blood cells without nutrients like iron. In fact, anemia, one of the most commonly diagnosed blood disorders, is mainly triggered due to an iron deficiency. For severely anemic patients, doctors will suggest iron supplements. But the nutrient can also be sourced from everyday foods like lean meats, seafood, poultry, fortified cereals and breads, assorted nuts, lentils, and even beans. Nutritionists recommend including two or more iron-rich foods daily to promote the healthy production of red blood cells. A high RBC count ensures the organs and bodily functions are being supplemented with freshly oxygenated blood.
Studies also suggest that increasing avocado intake can boost blood count and help maintain healthy blood pressure. Avocados are mainly rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids that promote anti-inflammatory responses. The superfood also comes loaded with plant sterols that help contribute to the systolic and diastolic blood pressure to maintain suitable levels. Avocados are also rich in potassium and healthy fats that help maintain cholesterol levels. When combined, these benefits help boost circulation.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate can also help promote better circulation and improve blood count when consumed in moderation. The cocoa found in the treat naturally helps the body boost the production of nitric acid. The key compound promotes cardiovascular and circulatory functions by helping blood vessels maintain their structural integrity. RBCs can also absorb more oxygen with the help of this compound to boost circulation. Cocoa additionally contains antioxidants that help lower blood pressure and control cholesterol. The blood vessels remain dilated with low blood pressure, and balanced cholesterol levels prevent the arteries and veins from clogging up.
Dried fruits
Even dried fruits like prunes and raisins help boost blood count. Prunes are a rich source of iron, a compound that is necessary for the production of hemoglobin. The higher the hemoglobin count, the better the ability of red blood cells to absorb fresh oxygen. Nearly 70% of the iron in the body is stored in hemoglobin. Thus, people at risk of developing anemia can supplement their iron intake by adding prunes and prune juice to their daily foods. Raisins are alternatively packed with potassium, a critical nutrient that helps lower blood pressure and keep levels in check. The dried fruits are also a good source of antioxidants and fibers that prevent the blood vessels from becoming too constricted.