8 Things to Avoid for Better Skin Health
The health of the skin depends on several factors, including the types of foods one eats, among other lifestyle choices. Even the skin care products one uses can impact overall skin health. On the flip side, indulging in bad lifestyle habits can disrupt the quality of the skin and may also trigger underlying health complications like atopic dermatitis (eczema). So, it is important to recognize and avoid these eight things for healthier skin.
Poor food choices
Underlying skin disease or existing symptoms can be triggered or worsened by eating unhealthy foods. One should avoid dairy products like butter, ice cream, cheese, and yogurt when dealing with skin issues. Refined carbohydrates like sugar and bread may also worsen the inflammation of skin conditions. High-glycemic foods such as potatoes, carrots, and watermelon should also be avoided if one is dealing with skin diseases. While some foods seem healthy, they may cause blood glucose fluctuations. Fatty foods, protein powders, processed foods, caffeinated drinks, and chocolates are other unhealthy options that one should avoid. Excluding these foods from meals may help prevent inflammation on the skin that may cause or worsen acne breakouts.
High stress levels
Uncontrolled stress is one of the major contributors to unhealthy skin. Excessive stress could make the skin more sensitive and vulnerable to acne breakouts. Someone who is stressed experiences a spike in their cortisol (a stress hormone) levels, which could result in flare-ups when dealing with atopic dermatitis. So, one must take appropriate steps to reduce stress levels. They must set reasonable objectives and limits, cut down on activities that may stress them, and also make time for things that they enjoy. One could also try relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, and meditation.
Lack of exercise
Studies show that a lack of exercise may lead to an unhealthy lifestyle, and working out can have a great impact on overall health. Regular physical routines can improve bone, muscle, brain, and joint health. Further, exercise promotes better blood flow throughout the body, which helps deliver an ample amount of oxygen and nutrients to the skin.
Inadequate hygiene
Many people do not clean their skin well, which may clog the pores and prevent the skin from breathing. So, one must wash their face when they wake up in the morning and at night before going to bed. It is also essential to remove any makeup before bed. To ensure the skin is entirely clean, one should use warm (not hot) water and limit the time they spend bathing or showering to about 10 minutes. This is because spending more time under hot water can dehydrate the skin. Further, one should also pat dry their skin with a towel instead of rubbing it too much.
Overlooking moisturization
Not using a moisturizer could lead to dryness of the skin, which may hamper its visual appearance. Multiple skin care products may help improve the quality of the skin. Regular use of such products keeps the skin cells healthy and creates a moisture barrier. Using moisturizers may also help curb itching and rashes that develop due to excessively dry skin, a condition that gets worse as a person ages. One should ensure they apply moisturizer to their face and other parts of the body for maximum benefits. Several tinted moisturizers double as sunscreen, which may help protect the face and other regions of the body. One should look for a tinted sunscreen and moisturizer for their face that offers broad-spectrum protection, preferably with SPF 30 (or higher) and water resistance. One could check with a healthcare expert about the right option if they have sensitive skin.
Poor sleep cycle
Studies show that not getting sufficient sleep could be harmful to overall health. Chronic sleep deprivation is linked with a range of health complications, including premature skin aging and the reduced ability of the skin to repair itself at night from sun damage. The lack of sleep also reduces collagen production in the body, which is essential to prevent sagging skin. So it is essential for one to get at least eight hours of sleep every day. It will ensure their body can repair and regenerate the skin, blood, brain cells, and muscles.
Not addressing underlying causes
Not focusing on the underlying cause of a disease may also contribute to unhealthy skin and worsen the condition. For example, eczema might be triggered by a gene variation that disrupts the skin’s ability to offer protection. A weakened skin barrier function may trigger an immune system response that leads to inflamed skin and other symptoms. Environmental factors like irritants or allergens can also trigger eczema symptoms. Further, people with eczema may be at a greater risk of developing other complications, including asthma, chronic itchy, scaly skin, sores, and cracks. So identifying the cause and triggers, getting a proper diagnosis, and taking measures to prevent the disease may help improve the texture of the skin.
Not seeking treatment
One of the biggest mistakes that lead to unhealthy skin is not initiating treatments. Avoiding unhealthy foods and making lifestyle changes can improve skin health. But whether one is an infant, teen, or adult, they could contract skin diseases like eczema and its associated symptoms requiring treatment. One may also develop dyshidrotic eczema, a skin condition that may cause small blisters on the soles of the feet, among other symptoms. To tackle these symptoms, a doctor may recommend creams, gels, and ointments to control eczema symptoms like itching and help repair the skin. More severe health conditions may require prescriptions to treat infections. Injectable biologics might be indicated for moderate to severe skin diseases that do not respond to other treatments. Women prone to hormonal breakouts should remember that using IUD devices may result in excessive acne development on the skin. Healthcare experts may offer prescriptions, antibiotics, topical methods, or a hormone blocker to as treatment options to counter such breakouts.