6 smoothies to ease joint pain and arthritis symptoms
Arthritis is a condition in which the joints swell and become extremely tender. The main symptoms of the condition include joint pain and stiffness, which may worsen with age. Furthermore, arthritis may also cause inflammation in the affected areas, making it quite difficult to move certain parts of the body. Hence, in addition to the required treatments for arthritis, one can also opt for lifestyle modifications to better manage the condition.
Managing arthritis and joint pain – Top 6 smoothies to drink
As arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that affects the joints, one may benefit from adding foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties to their meal plan. This may help ease the symptoms and manage the condition.
Peach and cherry smoothie
Fresh fruits such as cherries and peaches are rich in polyphenols and Vitamin C, which are potent antioxidants and possess anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, a study has shown that the juice of fresh cherries demonstrated antioxidant actions in healthy men within 30 minutes of consumption. Hence it’s suggested to drink peach and cherry smoothies regularly during breakfast to notice improvements in the condition. This can be done by blending these fruits with coconut milk and bringing it to an even and smooth consistency.
Pineapple and blueberry smoothie
Pineapples are rich sources of Vitamin C. Moreover, the fruits also contain the protease enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme has the potential to reduce inflammation, support the immune system, and also ease the digestion process. On the other hand, blueberries contain 20 types of anthocyanin, the antioxidant that gives the fruit its color. Hence one can add the two fruits with ginger root, chamomile tea, and watercress to make a smoothie and reap the benefits.
Spinach and pineapple smoothie
Leafy green vegetables such as spinach contain antioxidants and plant compounds that can relieve inflammation and joint pain. Moreover, spinach is high in the antioxidant called kaempferol which decreases the effects on inflammatory agents associated with arthritis. Further, as mentioned above, pineapple is rich in antioxidants and bromelain, making it an excellent choice for arthritis patients. So, one can make the smoothie by adding spinach and pineapple and blending it with unsweetened coconut milk and lemon for additional flavor.
Mixed berries smoothie
Berries are fruits rich in antioxidants and polyphenols such as anthocyanins and quercetin. Furthermore, they contain various phenolic acid types that can reduce inflammation. Hence one can also try a mixed berry smoothie to alleviate joint pain, inflammation, and other symptoms of arthritis. One can make the smoothie with 1 cup of mixed berries, coconut milk, and greek yogurt.
Pineapple turmeric smoothie
Turmeric consists of curcumin – an active ingredient that can improve symptoms of arthritis. Furthermore, research has stated that turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and even neuroprotective properties. Hence it’s suggested to consume turmeric in the form of smoothies to maintain optimal nutritional levels. Moreover, the other ingredient, pineapple, has antioxidant properties that may help relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Hence one can add turmeric, pineapple, and filtered water to make the smoothie at home. Additionally, veggies such as carrots can be added to the mix to achieve the perfect taste.
Kiwi and kale smoothie
Leafy greens such as kale are rich sources of magnesium that helps regulate calcium absorption in the body. Thus, it proves incredibly beneficial in relieving arthritis symptoms like joint pain. Moreover, citrus fruits such as kiwi have high amounts of Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and protects bone and cartilage. Hence it’s advised to mix kale and kiwi with chopped mango, orange, and filtered water to achieve a soft and even texture. This smoothie can be consumed during breakfast to achieve the needed results.
Further, foods consumed by arthritis patients play a huge role in the severity and symptoms of the condition. Hence, one should add the above fruits and vegetables to their meal plan to alleviate joint pain and associated symptoms. In addition, one must also keep an eye out for other symptoms of arthritis, such as redness, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. If any symptoms are noticed, they must seek medical advice as soon as possible. This may help in the early detection of the problem and the development of a treatment plan that works best for the patient.