5 superfoods that nursing mothers need
When a woman is nursing, their baby is getting all of their nutrients via breastmilk. Thus, it is highly imperative for the mother to be having nutrient-rich, wholesome foods. Additionally, a new mother needs as much care and nutrition as possible to recover their strength and actively nurse a baby. To ensure their meals are well-balanced and meet all their needs, read on to learn about five superfoods for nursing mothers:
5 superfoods that nursing mothers need
Green leafy vegetables
Though there is no recent published research on the lactogenic traits of green leafy vegetables, consuming them in a large quantity helps boost health. It has been found that green leafy vegetables contain phytoestrogens that stimulate milk production and these vegetables also help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. So, this may be the key element in comprehending their lactogenic power. Leafy greens are also loaded with vitamins A, C, E, and K, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Some mothers may worry that having broccoli or cabbage which may increase the gas in their little ones. But it is not true as the carbohydrate part of these vegetables responsible for causing gas does not transfer to breast milk.
Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are a wealth of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, proteins, fibers, and healthful polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. They are good for the skin and offer protection against heart diseases. Other than this, nuts can provide a milk boost, meaning they are lactogenic. Also, they are a good source of calcium, which is good for bone and teeth health. Nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, and pistachios are to be included in the meal plans. Similarly, seeds are rich in protein and other essential minerals, including iron, calcium, zinc, and healthy fats. Every seed has its unique nutritional benefit, so seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds are to be considered in the meal plans.
Legumes and beans
Having a variety of legumes and beans is not only good for general health, but also helps ensure that nursing mothers have a good and healthy milk supply. Legumes and beans contain proteins, minerals, vitamins, and phytoestrogens. Soybeans are also the richest source of phytoestrogens and are good additions to a meal plan when nursing. Chickpeas are considered to be a galactagogue, a product that helps enhance and boost milk supply. But you should not limit your intake to one type of legume; consuming a wide variety will be more beneficial.
Whole grains
It has been found that enriched entire grains are fortified with folic acid that should be consumed to prevent congenital disabilities and disorders. One should aim for approximately 500 milligrams each day. Whole grains are also helpful in easing some of the postpartum symptoms, such as constipation. Moreover, brown rice and oatmeal are complex carbohydrates that help keep you full for longer durations. Additionally, it has been found that oatmeal is one of the best foods for boosting and enhancing milk supply. It is also a good source of nutrients such as fiber, iron, and zinc, which is essential for nursing mothers and little ones.
Though mushrooms are not typically considered lactogenic foods, the presence of polysaccharide beta-glucan in some varieties of mushrooms can be useful for recent mothers. This substance is the principal lactogenic agent that is also found in oats and barley. Reishi, maitake, shiitake, shimeji, and oyster mushrooms are considered the richest beta-glucan source in the mushroom family.
Infants tend to need a lot of milk throughout the day and night. Several times, a nursing mother needs help maintaining or increasing their milk suppy. In such cases, one can turn to a breast pump.
What is a breast pump?
A breast pump is a mechanical device that helps extract milk. It may be a manual device or an automatic machine powered by electricity.
Elvie Breast Pump The Elvie Breast Pump is a silent and wearable electric breast pump designed to discreetly fit into the standard nursing brassiere. It can be personalized, reused, or recharged, and it is comfortable, safe, and hygienic. It also has a hands-free option for use. To use it, one simply places the pump into the nursing brassiere, turns them on, and presses play on the pumps or in the app to initiate the pumping session. The pump will automatically switch from Stimulation to Expression mode and stop pumping when the bottle is full. Cigna’s breast hands-free and wire-free Elvie breast pumps come with one hub, two bottles, one 24mm breast shield, one 28mm breast shield, one bra adjuster, two valves, two sprouts, two seals, two storage lids, one carry bag, a manual, and 1 USB charging cable.
For Cigna Elvie Breast Pump, which is a hands-free and wire-free device, one might wonder if insurance providers cover it? Yes, Cigna offers the facility to avail of partial or full insurance coverage on the breast pumps via plans with DME suppliers.
Recent moms must verify their coverage for breast pumps with their insurance providers to learn exactly what is added in their plan. There is also a 2-year warranty on the pump mechanism and a 90-day warranty on the washable parts.
Let’s conclude
A nursing mom should add the foods mentioned above, aside from others (unless recommended otherwise by their healthcare provider) to get the essential nutrients she and her little one needs. It is to be noted that these foods have not been proven to be lactogenic or galactagogue. But, they have been used for centuries for these purposes, and it is necessary to provide nursing mothers with a nutrient-loaded mix of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. It is also essential to consult the healthcare expert for the right meal plan for nursing mothers.