4 unusually bad foods for those with diabetes
Diabetes is a common illness that can affect adults as well as children. If this health condition is not controlled, it can result in serious outcomes such as cardiovascular diseases and respiratory issues. Having a disciplined meal plan by eating healthy and avoiding junk foods can reduce the risk of type 1 and 2 diabetes. Here are four common foods that can adversely affect the health of those with diabetes:
Carbonated and sweetened beverages
Sugary drinks like sodas can be the worst choice for people with diabetes. Such beverages are loaded with fructose and contain several quantities of carbohydrates. The high amount of sugar in these drinks is rapidly absorbed by the body, resulting in abrupt metabolic changes. The subsequent release of excess insulin can be quite a problem when dealing with type 1 and 2 diabetes.
Fatty liver, increased belly fat, and increased levels of harmful cholesterol are some of the issues that occur from having these beverages on a regular basis. Energy drinks also contain high amounts of added sugars and sodium, which is not a good option for people with diabetes.
High-carb grains
White bread, pasta, and white rice are low in fiber and high in carbs. Including such foods in your meal plan can result in increased sugar levels. These refined grains have a high glycemic index, which can lead to increased blood sugar levels. Swapping these with whole-grain alternatives reduces the risk of complications.
High-fiber foods are your best bet as far as minimizing the risk of diabetes is concerned. An increased amount of roughage can promote the growth of gut bacteria that helps improve insulin resistance.
Processed and preserved foods
Most packed snacks and canned foods have a high amount of white flour as a core ingredient. For example, cookies, packed chips, and candies are mostly made up of processed carbohydrates, added sugar, and salt. As the body converts these carbohydrates into glucose after digestion, such a reaction can rapidly increase blood sugar levels.
The preservatives added to these processed foods contain a variety of chemicals that could increase blood sugar levels in the body. Food manufacturers may add trans-fat to packed food such as frozen dinners and spreads. Although trans-fat is directly not involved in raising blood sugar levels, they have been linked to increased insulin resistance.
Fruit juices and smoothies
Even though fruit juices are healthy choices, people with diabetes can only have them in limited amounts. The glycemic index value of fruit juices is very high, causing an immediate rise in blood sugar levels.
Fruit juices and smoothies contain low fiber, high carbs, and high fructose. The fructose present in fruit juices can cause cardiac problems and insulin resistance. Juices made from most fruits do not have enough fiber or healthy fats that prevent elevated blood sugar levels.
Apart from the foods mentioned above, dried fruits, French fries, honey, maple syrup, fast food, cinnamon rolls, and certain blended coffee drinks can also result in elevated blood glucose levels.
Treatment options
Along with a controlled nutritional regime, certain prescriptions and supplements help regulate blood sugar levels and help avoid any related complications. Here is a list of the most commonly available options:
Invokana is the brand name used for the prescription canagliflozin and is prescribed with a proper meal plan to treat type 2 diabetes. This form of diabetes treatment is taken in oral form, usually once a day before breakfast. It works by boosting the level of sugar removal by the kidneys.
Invokana is not recommended for women who are breastfeeding or pregnant. The dosage of this treatment option depends upon medical conditions and response to treatment. This prescription is taken regularly to get the best benefits.
This blood sugar supplement maintains normal blood sugar levels and promotes healthy levels of blood glucose. GlucoTrust targets the root causes of diabetes. With its all-natural ingredients, such as biotin and chromium, GlucoTrust helps build resistance to insulin and even increases its production. But consulting your doctor is crucial before opting for this treatment option.
Dexcom develops glucose monitoring systems that can continuously track glucose levels in the body throughout the day. Through such monitoring of glucose levels at regular intervals, Dexcom’s devices sound an alert when the levels go low or high. You will be able to get the details of glucose trends and numbers with the help of these devices.
Kerendia is a treatment option that can help with reducing the risk of kidney damage and other complications faced by those with diabetes. Kerendia is used to treat chronic kidney disease caused due to type 2 diabetes.
Insulin therapy
This form of therapy is extremely useful for regulating the body’s insulin levels. For those with type 2 diabetes, insulin therapy is recommended when other options have no effect.
Adopting a healthy lifestyle and getting the right treatments can help regulate blood sugar levels in those with diabetes, gradually leading to a reduction in diabetic complications. For developing a healthy meal plan, you may approach a registered diabetes educator or a nutritionist. The key is to stay away from unhealthy food and work on a regime that suits you as an individual.