3 tips to manage prostate cancer
The prostate is a gland located below the bladder and produces the seminal fluid that makes up the semen. Prostate cancer occurs when the cells in the inner lining of the walnut-sized gland begin to grow uncontrollably. The risk factors include poor nutrition, high BMI, exposure to cadmium in factories, a sedentary lifestyle, and family history. Here are the treatment options, meal plans, and lifestyle changes to help manage prostate cancer:
Treatment options
Some of the treatment options that are recommended to treat this type of cancer are:
This is a chemotherapy treatment option used for prostate cancer when the cancer cells have spread and affected the bones, causing pain. XOFIGO® is injected slowly and intravenously for over a minute. It is administered under supervision, and its dosage depends on the physician’s recommendation. The tumor-targeting part of the therapy helps XOFIGO® fight only the tumor cells, leaving the healthy cells undamaged. Some side effects of this treatment option are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, swelling of the legs and hands, dehydration, impaired kidney function, and allergic reaction.
Enzalutamide is a treatment option used for those with advanced prostate cancer. It is an androgen suppressor that stops the growth and spread of cancer cells. Without this hormone, the cancer cells are unable to grow. It delays prostate cancer symptoms like bone problems and pain. Enzalutamide can help prolong the life of a person with advanced prostate cancer that has spread to other body parts. Common side effects of this treatment option may include fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, itchy and dry skin, restless leg syndrome, muscle pain, diarrhea, and memory problems.
Foods to eat and avoid
Some foods can help manage the symptoms of prostate cancer and alleviate pain, while others can worsen the condition. Here are some foods to eat and avoid during prostate cancer treatment:
Foods to eat
Cruciferous and green leafy vegetables
Spinach, kale, collard, broccoli, romaine lettuce, cabbage, watercress, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower contain antioxidants that maintain prostate health and eliminate cancer-causing free radicals.
Tomatoes contain lycopene, a compound that fights cancer. Cooked tomatoes contain high amounts of the compound than raw ones, so use this vegetable in the form of spaghetti sauce, tomato puree, and soup.
Green tea
Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants that fight cancer-causing cells. Substitute your morning coffee with green tea.
Pomegranate and cranberries
Pomegranates and Cranberries contain abundant antioxidants and proanthocyanidins, respectively, both of which hinder the spread of prostate cancer cells. You can either have them raw or grind them into juice.
Cold water fatty fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel contain high omega-3 fatty acids that lower the risk of mortality due to prostate cancer.
Legumes are the seeds of plants from the Fabaceae family and include beans, soybeans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, and alfalfa. Legumes contain plant compounds called phytoestrogens that reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Foods to avoid
It is better to avoid certain types of foods to maintain good prostate health. Here are some examples:
Processed meats and red meat
Processed and red meats like pork, beef, and lamb contain carcinogens (cancer-causing compounds) such as heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These compounds are formed when you cook meat at high temperatures. According to WHO reports, the regular inclusion of these meats in daily meal plans can increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.
High-fat dairy products
Consuming high amounts of dairy products such as whole milk, full-fat cheese, ice cream, butter, cream cheese, and yogurt increases your chances of getting prostate cancer. Limit your dairy intake and opt for low-fat versions or non-dairy alternatives.
Lifestyle changes to manage prostate cancer
Follow exercise
Being physically active reduces your risk of getting this cancer. Exercise improves your immune function and decreases inflammation in the body. It also fights the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle, thus preventing the onset of prostate cancer.
Follow a balanced meal plan
Include a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean poultry, fish, and seeds in your daily meals. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain powerful cancer-fighting nutrients that prevent cancer. Research showed that men who had more than 28 servings of vegetables per week had a 35% decreased chance of getting prostate cancer. Foods high in saturated fats like cakes, cured meats, milkshakes, and cheese can cause inflammation and oxidative stress that disrupts the functioning of the prostate hormones.
Increase vitamin D levels
A study found that men diagnosed with prostate cancer had vitamin D deficiency. The best way to boost its levels is to expose the body to natural sunlight. In addition, you can also opt for vitamin D supplements like cod liver oil only on the doctor’s recommendation. You can also look for foods fortified with vitamin D, such as milk, orange juice, and cereals.
Prostate cancer occurs mainly in men over the age of 65, and you can lower your risk of getting it by following the tips and lifestyle changes. Before making any changes to your daily food habits, check with your healthcare provider, especially if you are undergoing prostate cancer treatment.