3 easy ways to reduce high cholesterol levels
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance produced naturally by the liver. When the levels of this lipid in your blood are too high, it can lead to issues with blood circulation in the body and even a heart attack. High levels of blood cholesterol could be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and a meal regime that’s high in saturated and trans fats. There are generally no signs or symptoms of this condition. Here are the treatment options, meal plans, and tips to help alleviate the signs of high cholesterol:
Treatment options
If your cholesterol readings are high, your doctor may prescribe the following:
Livalo can decrease total levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides, and Apo B while raising “good” cholesterol (HDL-C). This treatment option works by preventing your liver from producing cholesterol by blocking a chemical that the liver requires to carry out the process. Livalo comes in the form of a tablet and is generally taken once a day, with or without food, as instructed by the doctor. Although very rare, there are a few side effects of this drug. These include mild memory problems or confusion. This treatment option could also result in diabetes and muscle problems.
Repatha is a prescription drug that works to lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease. Repatha is a PCSK9 inhibitor that aids in the absorption of LDL by the liver, lowering the quantity of cholesterol in your blood. This option is costly and is injected beneath the skin every few weeks.
Prevalite powder is a treatment option that is taken orally and functions as a resin and binds bile acids. Bile acids are produced by the liver from cholesterol, and by attaching to these acids, Prevalite indirectly lowers LDL. This causes your liver to utilize the cholesterol already present in the body to produce more bile acids, hence lowering its levels in the blood.
Foods to eat and avoid
The best strategy to achieve low cholesterol levels is to have foods that reduce LDL, which contributes to artery-clogging atherosclerosis. Some of these foods are,
Dark chocolate
The flavonoids and antioxidants in dark chocolate can reduce LDL levels. However, this food has a high amount of saturated fat and sugar and, therefore, be careful of the quantity you eat. To get similar heart-healthy results, you can also try and use dark, unsweetened cocoa powder in your cooking.
Nuts are high in heart-healthy fats and fiber, which can help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Almonds and pistachios are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and are more beneficial than any other type of nut in decreasing LDL. Having a variety of nuts is ideal since they contain various amounts of beneficial fats. Choose unsalted varieties that are not toasted.
Whole grains
Soluble fiber is abundant in barley, oats, and brown rice, and it has been shown to reduce LDL by limiting the amount of cholesterol absorbed into the circulatory system. Oats and barley are especially beneficial as they are high in beta-glucan, which aids in the reduction of LDL in the bloodstream. Top your morning porridge with high-fiber fruit such as bananas or apples for an extra cholesterol-busting boost.
Plant sterol supplements
Plants contain sterols, which are naturally occurring chemicals that can assist your body resist cholesterol absorption. Foods like margarine and spreads, orange juice, and yogurt have been supplemented with sterols. Sterols and stanols can also be found in some dietary supplements. Plant sterols, in the amount of 1 to 2 grams per day, have been demonstrated to reduce LDL levels.
Some of the foods to avoid when trying to manage high cholesterol levels are full-dairy products, shellfish, eggs, and organ meat such as the liver.
Easy ways to manage cholesterol levels
Here are a few lifestyle changes that could help you keep cholesterol levels in check:
Exercising regularly
Fitness is important for general health and well-being, and it can assist in raising good HDL levels. On most days of the week, try to do 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity. By keeping your body moving, you can achieve a variety of health benefits. This involves decreasing the amount of LDL that is bad for your overall health. One crucial step that needs to be taken is finding an exercise plan that works for you.
Avoiding foods with trans fat
Trans-fats increase LDL while decreasing HDL levels and are frequently found in fried meals and commercially packaged baked items such as cookies and crackers. These partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are deceptive substances that may benefit food makers but are bad for you. These trans-fats extend the shelf life of food items, making them easier to transport and store. Always read the ingredient labels on any packaged meals before you buy them. Make sure there are no hydrogenated oils in the ingredient list and that the trans-fat level is 0 grams.
Using healthy cooking methods
Good cooking methods and eating healthy foods can help lower cholesterol levels. And the best way is to eat with minimal cooking as possible, which would include raw salads and fresh fruit. When you do have to cook, choose methods such as baking, boiling, stewing, and roasting foods. These methods are healthy alternatives as you would not need to use too much oil or butter.